Super Extreme Diet Plan To Lose Weight

A Super Extreme Diet Plan

So what is a super extreme diet? One couple from London believe that by carefully calculation each mouthful of food they intake, they will be healthier, lose weight and live longer then anybody in the world. This is quite a claim but they truly believe this is a plan that works.So how does this extreme dieting plan work?

This is basically a severe calorie reduction diet plan which allows you to eat the folloing in very small rations. You really could call it a starvation diet, but if you ask the many who are now using this same plan they will tell you, it could really work and all have seen dramatic weightloss since starting.

The diet consists of:

  • steamed vegetables
  • nuts
  • fish
  • more nuts
That is about it. Fish is steamed for the most part versus being baked, fried or roasted. Eating food closer to being raw instead of cooking them too much. A few things which are not included or allowed in this super extreme diet.

  • meat
  • gluten
  • sugar
  • wheat
  • tap water
Calorie Restriction is designed to bring down glucose and insulin levels, reduce body fat, lower levels of growth stimulators, prevent cell loss, decrease inflammation, and create a more youthful physique.

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